Requirements to finish application
You will need to make a google slides presentation (See template) that includes the following information:
Record the narration of your presentation and let the slides peak our interest, include relevant images. You do not need to use the template – let it inspire you. Make it engaging, make it exciting, make it your own! (limit to 5 mins or less)
- Slide 1:
- Your first and last name, include a picture of yourself
- The university you are attending and your major/minor
- Slide 2:
- Your family’s Italian background (where in Italy they are from; who came to America first, when and where)
- Slide 3:
- Your high school accomplishments (clubs/activities, positions held)
- Which one are you most proud of and why?
- Slide 4:
- Please describe your most meaningful community service experience
- Name the organization you were involved in and your role.
- When was it? Where was it? Who benefited from your service?
- Applicants should download screencastify on their browser. This will allow you to record the voice-over for your Google Slides presentation.
- Here are 2 videos that explain how to use screencastify
- Upon completion, please share the link in the “using the public link option in screencastify and include the link in the application below.
You will need to include a public link to your slideshow on the application below.